

init(_ appId: String)

Creates a new Engage instance (required to display elements) using your app ID.
The engage object should be retained, so you'll have to instanciate it at class level or store it in a controller that stays alive for the time you're using it.


func createElement(_ slug: String, _ target: UIView)

Presents the desired Engage element in the targeted UIView.
⚠️ This doesn't take display conditions into account. It will print the element no matter what.


func autoCreate()

Presents multiple elements depending on target condition.
EngageIOS SDK provides a UIView extension for you to add a target value to your views, just do the following:
⚠️ If multiple views have the same target value, the element will only be printed in the first view matching the value.


func config(_ config: [String: Any], _ readOnly: Bool = false)

Allows to set some configuration options. See the configuration options documentation.


func texts(_ texts: [String: String], locale: String = "en", _ readOnly: Bool = false)

Allows to set custom texts all over your elements for the desired locale. See the texts documentation.
ℹ️ You can set several times the same text value with different locales.


func variables(_ variables: [String: Any]) -> Void

Allows to set custom variables to be replaced inside some text keys. See the variables documentation.


func on(_ event: EngageEvent, once: Bool = false)

Allows to listen to a specific event in Engage lifecycle (ex: onReady). See the events documentation.


func off(_ event: EngageEvent)

Allows to remove a listener previously set with the .on method.


static func setDebug(_ enabled: Bool)

Enables/Disables debugging for all Engage instances.