
Most actions completed by a visitor will trigger custom events for which you will be able to assign a listener.


fun on*(listener: (Event?) -> Unit): Access

fun off(event: PaywallEvents): Access

#Available events


  • Arguments: { identityEvent: { userId: String, contextName: String, contextType: String, contextValue: String, groupSlug: String, scenarioName: String, widget: String, actionName: String } }
Triggered after the first paywall initialization, when the user ID is available.


Triggered when the paywall locks the current article.


  • Arguments: { widgetEvent: { widget: String, actionName: String }
Triggered when the paywall is ready to be displayed.


  • Arguments: { widgetEvent: { widget: String, actionName: String } }
Triggered when the paywall is fully loaded and displayed inside the page.


  • Arguments: { widgetEvent: { widget: String, actionName: String } }
Triggered when the paywall unlocks the current content.


  • Arguments: { registerEvent: { email: String, passId: String?, newsletterId: String? } }
Triggered when a user registers to your newsletter using the newsletter widget or the pass widget.
For example, thanks to this event, you'll be able to save a user's email address using tools such as Mailchimp and Sendgrid.


  • Arguments: { clickEvent: { widget: String, actionName: String, button: String, url: String } }
Triggered when a user has tapped a subscribe button/link inside the paywall.


  • Arguments: { clickEvent: { widget: String, actionName: String, button: String, url: String } }
Triggered when a user has tapped a login button/link inside the paywall.


  • Arguments: { clickEvent: { widget: String, actionName: String, button: String, url: String } }
Triggered when a user has clicked the Link Discovery widget's button inside the paywall.


  • Arguments: { alternativeClickEvent: { widget: String, actionName: String, button: String } }
Triggered when a user has clicked the 'No thanks' link in the widget. Initialy loaded action will be replaced by an alternative one, set up in the dashboard in journey / actions configurations.


  • Arguments: { errorEvent: Exception }
Triggered when an error occurs during the paywall initialization.


  • Arguments: { formEvent: { fields: Map<String, Any>, widget: String, actionName: String } }
Triggered when a user registers through a form using the Form widget.
For example, thanks to this event, you'll be able to save a user's provided informations using tools such as a DMP.


  • Arguments: { answerEvent: { questionId: String, answer: String } }
Triggered when a user answers a question using the Survey widget.


  • Arguments: { clickEvent: { widget: String, actionName: String, name: String, url: String, buttonId: String } }
Triggered after a click on a button component, used in an advanced appearance or a form. The name property is for when the button is in "event" mode, url is for when the button is in "link" mode.


Triggered when the paywall is destroyed.


Triggered when the user dismisses the bottom sheet paywall.