

fun init(key: String, context: Context? = null)

Creates a new Access instance (required to display paywalls) using your app ID.


fun createPaywall(pageType: String = "page", percent: Int? = 80, viewGroup: ViewGroup? = null): Access

Creates an Access paywall and displays it on top of a view group of your choice, hiding a certain percentage of it.


fun returnPaywallView(pageType: String = "page", context: Context): View?

Creates an Access paywall and returns a View object containing the paywall content after it has been rendered. This allows you to display the paywall anywhere and however you want in your app.


fun createBottomSheetPaywall(pageType: String = "page", viewGroup: ViewGroup, onDismissBottomSheet: (() -> Unit)? = null): Access

Creates an Access paywall and displays it as a bottom sheet on top of a view group of your choice.


fun config(key: String, value: Any? = null, readOnly: Boolean? = null): Access

fun config(mapConfig: Map<String, Any>, readOnly: Boolean? = null): Access

Configures the Access instance with the provided key-value pairs. See the configuration options documentation.


fun texts(key: String, value: String, readOnly: Boolean? = null, locale: String? = null): Access

fun texts(mapTexts: Map<String, String>, readOnly: Boolean? = null, locale: String? = null): Access

Sets the texts for the Access instance with the provided key-value pairs. See the texts documentation.

⚠️ Our SDK currently embeds only two languages: English and French (defaults to English).


fun styles(key: String, value: Any? = null, readOnly: Boolean? = null): Access

fun styles(mapStyles: Map<String, Any>, readOnly: Boolean? = null): Access

Sets the styles for the Access instance with the provided key-value pairs. See the styles documentation.


fun variables(key: String, value: Any? = null): Access

fun variables(mapVariables: Map<String, Any>): Access

Sets the variables for the Access instance with the provided key-value pairs. See the variables documentation.


fun on*(event: String, callback: (data: Any?) -> Unit): Access

Allows you to set a callback to be called when a specific event is triggered (ex: onIdentityAvailable). See the events documentation.


fun off(event: PaywallEvents): Access

Allows to remove a callback previously set with on*. Accepted values for event are:
  • PaywallEvents.LOCK
  • PaywallEvents.READY
  • PaywallEvents.PAYWALL_SEEN
  • PaywallEvents.RELEASE
  • PaywallEvents.REGISTER
  • PaywallEvents.SUBSCRIBE_CLICK
  • PaywallEvents.LOGIN_CLICK
  • PaywallEvents.ERROR
  • PaywallEvents.DATA_POLICY_CLICK
  • PaywallEvents.FORM_SUBMIT
  • PaywallEvents.ANSWER
  • PaywallEvents.DESTROY


fun destroy(): Unit

Destroys the Access instance and removes all listeners.